Why Churches of Christ Take the Lord’s Supper Each Sunday

Jesus instituted a memorial feast on the eve of His death (Matthew 26:17-29; Mark 14:22-25; Luke 22:7-20). To His followers, the bread represents His...

The Sin of Silence

Citizens under arrest are given their Miranda rights, which include “the right to remain silent.” Citizens of God’s kingdom have no Miranda rights. With...

Do All Roads Lead to Heaven?

Two sisters went driving Sunday afternoons with the goal of getting lost. Taking random turns at intersections, trying new roads, going farther and farther...

Who is at the Controls?

If life is a flight through time, who is in the cockpit? If life is a joyride, who is behind the wheel? If life is a voyage, who is...

I Want to Be Saved Like They Were in Acts

The New Testament books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John record the life, teachings, commands, and promises of Jesus. One promise was, “I will...

Coming Into God’s Presence

“My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9  Because the Jews had defended it so fanatically, the...


Did the Disciples Steal the Naked Body of Jesus?

Some explain away the resurrection by saying the apostles stole the body of Jesus from the tomb. His enemies were the first...

Suggestions for Bible Reading

To best interpret the Bible, read sections instead of randomly-selected verses. A chapter (26 verses on average) is a good rule of...

Four Truths about Rules

Christians are not subject to man-made rules. Paul warned against commandments of men such as, “Do not touch . . . taste...

Every Man’s Book

The Bible is every man’s book. To know the Bible and to handle it correctly is one of the greatest accomplishments within the reach...

Ten Facts About the Church of Christ

We read of it in the New Testament (Romans 16:16).  It exalts Christ as the only head of the church (Ephesians 1:22).  It...

The Privilege of Knowing God

Paul confided, “For this reason I also suffer these things; nevertheless I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed and am...

The Sin of Silence

Citizens under arrest are given their Miranda rights, which include “the right to remain silent.” Citizens of God’s kingdom have no Miranda rights. With...

God Must Love Giggles

A second-grade school teacher observing her little charges on the playground thought, “God must love giggles.” He wants us to be joyful. 

God Always has an Answer

It is easy to get discouraged when things go wrong, but we must not lose heart. God is at work in the world, even in...

Who is at the Controls?

If life is a flight through time, who is in the cockpit? If life is a joyride, who is behind the wheel? If life is a voyage, who is...

It Is Not What You Have

A king suffered a terribly painful sickness. His advisor told him that the only cure was to locate a contented man and ask for...

Restoring a Thing of Value

Lovely works of art are often marred by accumulations of dirt and grime. Specialists are employed to restore them to their original beauty. They...

How to Live a Happy Life

Serve others (Galatians 5:13). Throw out nonessential numbers. These include age, weight, and height. Let the doctor worry about them. That is why...

Have You Oiled Your Bible?

Fred W. Cropp, President of the American Bible Society, once received a letter asking, “What do you recommend for keeping the leather of Bibles...

Have You Read the Book That Shaped America?

America’s earliest settlers came in search of religious freedom, to escape religious persecution—which has again become an issue in modern times.  A new arrival who...

Love Numbers

Of honeymooning couples last year, 9% had this in common. What? Answer: They brought their kids along. On their first date, 15% of married people say...

What’s Her Name?

At church one morning, my friend Gwen was about to start her 4-year-olds’ Sunday school class when a little boy showed up without any...

A Week of Good Thoughts

Suppose we start this very day To live our lives in a different way;  Suppose we vowed and constantly tried To help those in trouble on life’s...

A House Is Not a Home

A house is not a home; it is many things.It is a kitchen stove on which a kettle sings.

A Good Hog Raiser

At a state fair, a disrespectful, cursing, cigarette-puffing boy led a champion hog into the show grounds to win first place. That...

Don’t Short-Circuit Your Prayers

A husband’s prayer life can be short-circuited by his relationship with his wife. Peter wrote that husbands are to dwell with their...

Consider the Children

Children are precious. They were brought into this world through no desire of their own. Many are abused, used as pawns, neglected, denied, and...

A Father’s Toolbox

Back on the farm, I remember that when something broke down, my father would get out his toolbox and make the repairs. As a...

Play “Catch” with Your Children

God’s wisdom is seen in His stressing the importance of instilling in children the truths of His Word at an early age (Proverbs 22:6;...

Ten Facts About the Church of Christ

We read of it in the New Testament (Romans 16:16).  It exalts Christ as the only head of the church (Ephesians 1:22).  It...

Restoring a Thing of Value

Lovely works of art are often marred by accumulations of dirt and grime. Specialists are employed to restore them to their original beauty. They...

I’m Giving Up on Organized Religion

Scandal. Abuse. Confusion. Greed. Lies. Argument. Conflict. Hypocrisy. We get it. Why would someone want to be affiliated with organized religion? If it is of...

Facts About the New Testament Church

Founder: Christ (Matthew 16:18) Place: Jerusalem Isaiah 2:1–3; Acts 2:5 Time: ad 33 (Daniel 2:44; Acts 2) Head: Christ (Ephesians 1:22) Organization:  Christ as the head (Ephesians 5:23) ...

Things about the Church of Christ That Surprise People: Communion

Communion is a part of worship every Sunday. Those who are unfamiliar with the church of Christ, after a few visits with a congregation,...

Things About the church of Christ that Surprise People

Due to a strict emphasis on following only the Bible (rather than a mixture of Scripture and tradition), the church of Christ differs from...

The Crucifixion from A to Z

A reminds us of His arrest like a common criminal and the legions of angels who could have been summoned by Jesus. B is for...

If Christ Be Not Raised . . .

If Christ did not rise from the dead, He is not divine (Romans 1:4). If He is not divine, His death did not take...

I Want to Be Saved Like They Were in Acts

The New Testament books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John record the life, teachings, commands, and promises of Jesus. One promise was, “I will...

The Most Difficult Command

On July 2, 1893, the celebrated Restoration leader J. W. McGarvey delivered an address in Louisville, Kentucky. It was simply titled “Repentance.”  If God were...

In Pursuit of Hope

An S-4 submarine crew became trapped after they were rammed off the coast of Massachusetts. The sub sank immediately. Rescue efforts failed. Near the...

What Must I Do to be Saved?

We can ask no more important question than “What must I do to be saved?”  Each of us will one day stand before the judgment...
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